As a business we know what we do well and what we can offer our prospective customers but the difference when it comes to writing your business copy in an online world is why they should care.

Planning any business content is meticulously knowing your audience but it’s also in presenting it in such a way that they can feel their place within it and are left wanting more.

That’s why storytelling in your copy is good business because;

1) Storytelling allows your ideal audience to understand you

Stories have the capacity to educate, inform and even entertain and according to data from the National Geographic, storytelling has been recorded as far back in history as 30,000 years ago.

Back then stories were more in picture form and have somewhat evolved to now be discovered in many different mediums such as; audio, films, written content and graphics etc.

In business it’s a way to convey your message so that your audience can relate, digest and understand who you are.

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2) Storytelling builds a connection between you and your ideal audience member

Now with more that 4.66 billion active mobile internet users worldwide which encompasses around 59% of the global population following data from there’s plenty of reason to find a strategic and thought provoking way to reach your target audience.

There’s a sea of content out there so differentiating your business and targeting the right audience is crucial. Quite simply storytelling and good copy builds trust and it builds rapport.

Therefore, allowing you to build a connection and to work on growing that trust within your content and between you and your audience.

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3) Storytelling engages your audience

It’s a bit like you’re doing a dance routine with a series of steps that your audience can choose to get up and dance to (engage) or that they refuse to join in with and continue to wait for the next one.

What you write is how you’ll be perceived and how you’ll be remembered.

You’re aiming to send a series of memorable messages that encourages your ideal audience to become more than an onlooker simply sitting on the sidelines watching your dance moves. Your content needs to be pulling them onto the floor and asking them to interact.

Your story alone won’t be enough to engage them. You’ll need to play a few theoretical songs before they’ll want to join in. Maybe you’ll ask them a question as a call to action in each content piece you do, maybe you’ll be offering a free downloadable PDF in exchange for their email address, maybe you’ll invite them into your online community group, maybe you’ll take them on a journey with your content and offer them tips and tricks on how their life can be improved by having your business within it.

However you choose to grow engagement remember it’s a long-term strategy that’ll build successful and lasting relationships.

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4) Storytelling is a process

Storytelling is a process. So, map it out within your content. Show your audience how they can achieve B if they do A and so forth. Don’t throw it all into content point A, maybe you’ll have A.1, A.2, A.3 etc to get to point B.

Drip feed digestible amounts of information that fits within your narrative for your audience to follow, which helps to cement your message but also that doesn’t overwhelm or confuse.

Every story has a good narrative, so think about how you’ll introduce it, how you’ll place your audience as the hero of your story and show that you understand their pain points and that you can guide them into making their life better by slowly introducing yourself as the market leader and go to authority within your field.

Plan your content in advance. If you’re writing blogs maybe you’ll have one extensive pillar piece that will act as evergreen content on your website. Consistently link to this piece with other relevant blogs but always with your ideal audience in mind.

If you’re writing your social media content, you can use everyday relatable stories that your customers and prospects may face to build a message. Always add a call to action that speaks to them but that also speaks back to your business and goals.

Once you have a strategic process in place you can maintain the structure and then rinse and repeat with evergreen and new content by changing up the written dialogue.

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5) The impact of storytelling in your business copy?

The impact of good storytelling in your business copy isn’t just how you’re seen by your target audience but also how you can steadily grow your audience, attract new audience members, convert audience members into paying clients and in finding your own unique online voice in a busy online world.

Our impact and stamp on the online world beyond profitable gain is in taking responsibility for what we share but also in creating new ideas and inspirations that can guide and motivate others in seeking positive change.

Storytelling doesn’t just enable you to highlight your target audience and to show them why you should matter to them, it shines a light on your human side. It says there’s a person behind your profile, behind your business page, beyond your website which connects you to your ideal audience and it gives them a reason to engage.

Putting storytelling at the forefront of your business message streamlines processes and productivity but it also offers you a platform with which to reach out and make a difference.

Why not get in touch to find out how I can help you and your business discover your online voice with bespoke copywriting services and consultancy. You can email me at: